Helping working moms return to work after a career break | MomRelaunch

Mom Relaunch has a goldmine of hidden talents. On our LaunchPad program - a hands-on training on internal/ external projects - we nurture moms to be relevant, and ready, to re-enter the workforce.

Companies that take a holistic approach towards recruiting and building a diverse workforce, appreciate and support our Mission and Vision to support moms to be financially independent.

The companies become our allies. They recognize, and want to leverage to boost their bottom-line, the invaluable transferable skills that parenthood bestows on moms.

Mom Relaunch addresses the high demand for diversity and tech talent:

  • 46% of employers in the US can’t find skilled talent
  • 69% of executives rate diversity and inclusion as an important issue
  • Gender diversity targets are being set by more companies

And recognizes the under-utilized opportunity:

  • 25% of IT jobs are held by women
  • 43% of highly qualified women have left work voluntarily
  • 93% of these women want to return to their careers

Mom Relaunch is Raising the Bar!

From finding jobs and projects for moms to, becoming your strategic Consulting Partner!

In other words, we are Momplementing! Have you heard about Momplementation?

Click here to quench your curiosity

How We Help Your Company

Strategic Diversity Programs

Training & Workshops

Recruiting & Project Implementation

Our Relaunch Process

We offer Moms the opportunities and tools to enhance skills-sets and gain work experience to successfully relaunch their careers.


Our Success Stories

Find inspiration in these stories of moms who have relaunched and reignited their careers.

About Us

We are committed to bringing talented moms back into the workforce, championing an inclusive culture of diversity and workplace equality.

43% of women with children leave work voluntarily at some point in their career. 93% of these women who took a career break want to rejoin the workforce.

Moms returning to the workforce need a proper platform to help prepare to return to the workforce. Mom Relaunch provides this platform by training, nurturing, mentoring and advising moms as they traverse the path from career break to relaunch.

What's Happening At Mom Relaunch

Technical Certification
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the brand new Technical Support Professional Certification course at Mom Relaunch!
Mentor Our Moms
Make a difference by volunteering to mentor our moms. Plus get a chance to attend WITness Success in Nashville with us!
Salesforce Partner Program
Mom Relaunch has achieved Salesforce Partner status! Kudos to the Salesforce team for a great partner community program.

Join Us!

Together we can create a society empowered by strong, financially independent women.