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Jobs Now and In the Future

By: MOM RELAUNCH ADMIN / 03 Aug 2020
Jobs Now and In the Future

Finding meaningful work, a paycheck and a purpose  create emotional and financial well being. 

It was a pleasure to have Adrianne Nelson, Senior Director, Staffing Industry Analyst, on our webinar held on June 30th, 2020. Her message to job seekers who are currently transitioning into new careers or looking to re-enter the work- force after a break  was simple, yet reassuring; skill, re-skill and re-invent. 

In spite of the gloom and doom around us, we at Mom Relaunch believe that her message has a refreshingly positive ring to it.  

Even as the pandemic rages through the world and leaves behind tragedies of unimaginable proportions, including the loss of jobs and income, it is indeed heartening to learn from Adrianne that there is, surprisingly, hope!  

Hope in the form of companies that continue to hire, even in the crisis,  which means renewed efforts from job seekers to rebuild lives, and to continue to use this time to prepare for the day when it's all over. Difficult though it is, to imagine a world that will be free from Covid -19, the hardship is going to end. Question is, are you ready?  

As Adrianne rightly said, this is a good time to skill, re-skill and re-invent for better opportunities that will present themselves when things start looking up on the employment front. In particular, jobs in the tech sector will have openings for tele-working, tech- support, remote support, in essential services such as pharmacies, grocery stores, healthcare , logistics to name  a few. 

Fedex, Amazon, Zoom, Slack, Udacity are just a few of the companies that are hiring even now.  Contract, permanent, gigs, temporary, and now work -from -home and remote jobs will completely change the way we look at work. In fact, new opportunities will open up that never existed before the pandemic! 

Adrianne also advises that soft skills, such as teamwork, negotiation and persuasion skills, leadership, problem solving, perseverance and confidence help to secure a job sooner than you think.  So some tips there for job seekers to read up and brush up on that front.

Since Work From Home (let's coin a new word WFH-ing) will be the new mantra, at least till the foreseeable future, it would be a great idea to arm yourself with the knowledge of the most current and future trends in technology. If, as a job seeker, you have shied away from this before, now is the perfect time to shed all those fears and any  mental barriers that have prevented you from taking on new challenges and rising up to face them.  

Adrianne, we thank you for bringing us the latest updates on employment and skills. That is what we do at Mom Relaunch. We help job seekers by giving them access to the right training, and set them on their way to a better future. 

With the right skills, securing a great job should be every job seeker's dream and not just that of a chosen few.

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